Mary Washington Howe Pre-K Center


Inspiring, Guiding, Teaching


Just a few Reminders

Just a few Reminders

Just a few reminders that did not make it into this week's Howe Happenings Newsletter:

*Please do not have your students wearing sandals or flip flops. As the weather warms up, students should still wear close toed shoes. This keeps their feet safe from injury when playing every day. 

*For safety purposes, school buses at all NHCS school sites will have their safey arm and STOP lights on every morning during arrival and every afternoon at dismissal. The same street regulations apply when bus arms are extended-cars are unable to pass. Please help us in observing these safety efforts so that students can safely enter buses and/or cross streets during these two busy times of day. 

Thank you in advanced for your continued collaboration and support of student safety at school.

Take very good care,

Lauren Nalepa